Little Book of Gardening Tips
God reveals so much about Himself to us through His creation. No one else can compare in their imagination and creativity. There is no color or form or fragrance that God did not create. No one thought of something first . God was first.
Most people enjoy a garden. They are soothing and peaceful. Our eyes and noses delight.
The garden is also a wonderful place to discover the mysteries of God. So when you stop and smell the roses, breathe deeply, look closer. God is with you and has many, many lessons to teach you and secrets to reveal.
Come and enjoy.
Welcome to my garden.
Bloom Where You Are Planted
A gardener will occasionally dig up a plant and move it to a new location in the garden or give it as a gift to a friend. This is the gardener's job. A plant never grabs itself by the ankles, yanks its roots out of the ground and runs across the yard to a spot it deems as better for itself.
Do you desire to run when things get hot? Or see others spots as more favorable than your own?
If you would be pleasing to God you must remember - you are not the Gardener.
Be content where God has you. Be still and know that He is God. He knows your needs, far better than you do. He knows just how much sun, shade, rain, drought - everything you need to thrive and bloom in Him. He also knows what other plants you need around you to pull out and complement your particular beauty.
Leave yourself to His care and bloom where you are planted.
So encouraged by that. Thank you Tammie.